Friday, August 14, 2015

4 years since the last post!

Hello dear beloved bloggers!

Wow its been 4 years since the last time I posted something here.. well what can I say I'm not much of a blogger, therefore I RARELY post updates here, like extremely rare.. hehehe

But if any of you is wondering whether this blog is still active, YES it is, and still operated by the same person which is me; Yusuf Bakri, son of Mr Bakri - the founder of Putri Sriwijaya Restaurant.

Alhamdulillah our restaurant is perfectly operating well and has reached 9 years old since the first opening, MasyaAllah Tabarakallah!

Huge thanks to our staffs who have been operating this restaurant and keeping it running up from the beginning, may Allah bless them all!

I guess that's all that I need to share for now, have a nice blessed day dear bloggers!